
Putting the pedal on decluttering is an interesting car ride. As we accelerate the clear out and find that a large proportion of what we thought was useful and which we have stored in our world is no longer needed - and unlikely to be needed for the foreseeable five year future, we can see what we treasure most once again. Wonderful! It looks fresh, delightful and spacious.

We have spent hours sifting through our belongings. Wading through all the memories that sit in there - hidden and unheard - but there nevertheless. Sometimes they need to be heard - and at other times they lie dormant. Waking up belongings is a great thing to do. Enjoying the wonderful belongings that we cherish is the deal.

Sometimes it can feel like all belongings are being deregulated. Following on with the metaphor about cars, you might say the road just disappears.

But we need material goods. We may not need as many as we acquire but we very definitely need a fair amount to survive and thrive. Naturally we need material belongings to exist. We cannot exist without food and clothing. Our biology makes it so. The weather makes it so. The rest is optional and makes our lives functional. Living without bricks and mortar to protect us is possible, just not preferable. Our health And on it goes. How much space do we need/want. How many dresses do we want/need. What do we love?

The brain needs to be told that all the belongings that have been chosen to stay are blessed too. All the old ones have been thanked and released - so the ones that are remaining need to be celebrated too. Do whatever ceremony works for you - and you can thank them whenever you use them. These items are really useful and have proved themselves. They can now enjoy being in your life. So this is to reflect on the fact that the purpose of decluttering is to enjoy life even more unfettered by excess. As Madonna once said we are material girls - and boys. She was right in many ways. And the same goes for our belongings - what we keep is to be enjoyed. So enjoy all you can.


How much do we need - How long is that piece of string?


It will come in handy some day!